The Blessing of the Triune God
Regardless whether you jump into this series when it covers the millennial reign, heaven, eternal state or the impressive judgments of God during the Tribulation, this book brings to mind questions! The beginning verses in chapter one is no different. Find the answers in this Sunday morning sermon by Pastor Rodney Schuler.
- Which John is this?
- Why 7 churches? (Does the number mean anything significant?)
- Is "Grace" and "Peace" unusual considering the later content of Revelation?
- Are "Grace" and "Peace" ever sourced in created beings? Who is the "which is", "which was" and "which is to come?"
- Who are the first fruits?
- Why the emphasis on the son?
- What does this future royalty mean for us?
- Who is mourning? What is the point John is making in verse 7?
- Who is the Alpha and Omega?
- Have you decided what you are going to do with Jesus?
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