Calvary Baptist prides itself on having all new updated rooms designed specifically to fit all needs necessary for your child. The nursery is open and managed during every main service and even church activities. Nursery care is provided for infants through age 2 by adults who are members of Calvary Baptist Church and have completed background checks.
- Sunday School: 9:00am
- Sunday Morning: 10:00am
- Sunday Night: 6:00pm
- Wednesday Night: 7:00pm
Children's Church
Children age 2 through the 3rd grade may be dismissed from the morning church service prior to the sermon to attend Children’s Church. Age appropriate Bible stories and songs are taught to help children learn more about God’s Word. Participation in Children’s Church is completely voluntary. Parents may keep their children with them in the auditorium for the entire service if they prefer. Various church members take turns teaching Children’s Church one month at a time.
Sunday School
We believe Sunday school for children provides a necessary foundation for learning about the Savior. Our desire is that children come to know the Lord at a young age, and our Sunday school staff is committed to teaching the basic truths and principles of the Bible. From ages 2-5 use Joyful Life curriculum, 1st-6th grade uses Regular Baptist Press, Jr. High uses Scripture Press curriculum, and Sr. High uses various Bible study materials.
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed – The AWANA name is taken from 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” AWANA clubs meet on Monday nights from 6:30 to 8:30. Our sessions begin after Labor Day and end before Easter. The AWANA club emphasizes Scripture memory and desires to work with parents and churches to develop spiritually strong children who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. At Calvary, the AWANA program ministers to children age 2 through 8th grade.
The typical AWANA night will include handbook time, a challenge time from God’s Word and game time. There is also a strong emphasis on helping those in need and those who are in full-time Christian service. AWANA does two fundraisers each year; Care and Share and Coin-A-Rama. There are also special activities throughout the year. The clubbers will go roller skating, participate in a Grand Prix race in which they build their own cars (T&T and Trek only), and enjoy the AWANA Fair at the end of the year. Our dedicated leaders and workers are a key reason for the success of our AWANA program at Calvary Baptist Church. Almost all of them were clubbers themselves at one time!