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The Biblical Use of Music in the Christian Church
September 15, 2019

The Biblical Use of Music in the Christian Church

Passage: Ephesians 5, Colossians 3
Service Type:

Music can be an uncomfortable topic, because people are passionate about what they like. However, as with every sermon, we must be teachable. We must come to the text willing to change if need be. Andrew's message tackles the music debate by going to the two main music passages in the New Testament. This not an all-encompassing message, the key contextual issue to remember is that we are talking mainly about music in the church.

Sermon Notes:

I.  To have Biblical Church music, we must meet the Biblical ________________

A. We must be filled with the __________________ (Eph. 5:15-21)

B. We must actively put on _______________________ (Col. 3)

II.  To have Biblical Church music, we must recognize the Biblical _______________________ (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16)

A. The Command: _________________________________________________________________

B. The Sphere: ____________________________________________________________________

C. The Means: ____________________________________________________________________

D. The Addressees: _________________________________________________________________

E. The Instruments: ________________________________________________________________

F. The Inner Dispositions: ____________________________________________________________

G. The Inner Sphere: ________________________________________________________________

H. The Ultimate Recipients: ___________________________________________________________

III. To have Biblical Church music, we must incorporate Biblical Principles in our ___________________________

A. Biblical Church music occurs in a context of ______________________________________________

B. Biblical Church music reinforces the personal and corporate presence of the _________________________

C. Biblical Church music is _______________________ considered and ___________________ used

D. Biblical Church music purposely communicates Biblical _______________________________________

E. Biblical Church music emphasizes the ___________________________________________________

F. Biblical Church music is a __________________________ to believers

G. Biblical Church music utilizes various ______________________ musical forms

H. Biblical Church music is given with __________________________________

I. Biblical Church music involves the ___________________________________

J. Biblical Church music is offered as worship to the ___________ & ____________


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