The Faith of Moses
As our culture becomes increasingly hostile to Christianity, this message by Pastor Rodney Schuler is strikingly relevant. How are we to be salt and light in our dark world? How did Moses respond to the temptation to have the acclaim, power, influence, and pleasures of Egypt? He continued to identify with God. So often we are like the early Christians that wanted to go back to Judaism because of all the benefits (i.e. a degree of protection and independence from the Roman Empire). God never promised us that our faith would always be "comfortable". We must persevere in clinging to God whatever the consequences might be from society and even government.
On a separate note, there "appears" to be a contradiction between this passage in Hebrews and Moses' response in Exodus. What about our emotions and fears do you need to know to answer this dilemma?
You might feel alone in your workplace or family situation as a Christian, remember Psalm 145:18, "The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." Be encouraged that we do not have "blind" faith. God has fulfilled his promises before. There are faithful men and woman in every century. Maybe a helpful and timely thing for you to do would be to read a biography of a solid Christian man/woman.
Thank you for listening! We trust you are blessed by the ministry of Calvary Baptist Church.