The Chastened Children of God
This is a convicting passage. We are all sinners, therefore, we often need to be disciplined. But behind the discomfort and pain there lies an amazing truth that so many have missed in our culture. Love can be the root motivation behind confrontation.
#1 We must put our hardships into perspective
- Is this passage teaching that we suffer because we have sinned?
- When we understand we live amongst a spiritual battle it is wise to know where shots are coming from. Where does this text say the problems come from?
- Why does the author of Hebrews switch from a running analogy to a boxing analogy? What is the point he is trying to make?
#2 We must not draw wrong conclusions from our suffering
- How does this apply to parenting?
- How has God proven his love?
#3 For those who chastize biblically, at least you know their part of the family of God
- What are some of the unexpected benefits of confronting someone or being confronted yourself?
#4 We must respond well to chastening
- How does responding poorly to chastening heighten the problem?
We trust you are blessed by the preaching and teaching of Pastor Rodney Schuler. Thank you for listening!